The BD FACSAria™ III is built on the solid foundation of patented technologies, superior multicolor performance, and legendary ease-of-use that has led to the unparalleled success of the BD FACSAria. Since the introduction of the first BD FACSAria in 2003, each successive generation has opened the complex world of cell sorting to a broader audience of researchers and wider range of applications. Now, the BD FACSAria III system is even more powerful, dependable, and easy to use.
Cell sorter 的設計原理即使用噴墨技術(ink-jet graphic printing)及小水滴的靜電偏折(electrostatic deflection)。利用細胞大小、光散射程度、細胞的表面受體等的特徵、甚至DNA定量參數相關分析測量,從一個複雜的細胞混合體中鑑別細胞族群,再利用高頻率振盪的噴嘴(vibration of nozzle),將水柱(stream)在離orifice固定的距離分裂(break-off)成小水滴(drop)。要篩選帶有目標細胞的小水滴可由flow cytometer 給予水滴正電或負電,當通過高壓電場時,帶電的水滴則往與電壓相反的方向偏折而被導入收集管中,如此即可分選出特定的細胞種類以進行功能研究,進一步培養或是做其他的分析。
High Speed:70,000 event/sec
Sorting-2 Way
-4 Way