【2024】Applications for the National Tsing Hua University-China Medical University Hsinchu Hospital Joint Research Grant. Being accepted from August 1 to August 31,2023.

2024 National Tsing Hua University- China Medical University Hsinchu Hospital Joint Research Grant

  1. Project Period: 2024/1/1 - 2024/12/31
  2. Project Type:
    1. Individual research program: shall be co-hosted by a staff above the level of assistant professor from National Tsing Hua University with a physician or a professional certified and licensed medical personnel from China Medical University Hsinchu Hospital.
    2. Continuation plan:
      1. Please submit the final report of the first phase and the application for the continuation plan of the second phase according to the original planning direction and the relevant prescribed format.
      2. If the continuation plan fails to pass the review, the plan will no longer accept applications for subsidies.
      3. The application for the continuation plan is limited to one continuation.
  3. Research Topic: Combine basic and clinical medicine, focus on academic excellence, technology and application innovation.
  4. Qualifications for Principal Investigator:
    1. National Tsing Hua University
      1. A staff above the level of assistant professor.
      2. Every principle investigator can apply for two cooperation plan.  Please refer to 2024 NTHU Hospital Joint Research Grant
    2. China Medical University Hsinchu Hospital

Attending Physician or medical personnel with professional certificated and licensed.

  1. Request for Appropriation: No fixed equipment is allowed to be arranged.
  2. When to apply: August 1 to August 31, 2023. Applications overdue will not be approved.
  3. How to apply: Please upload the proposal to the system before the deadline. 路徑為「校務資訊系統」>「研發處資訊系統」>「資訊系統入口」>「113年中國醫新竹附醫與清華大學合作研究計畫」。
  4. Notice:
    1. Please note to the qualifications of the participants of China Medical University Hsinchu Hospital, the application format and process of the hospital. Application should be handled according to the regulations.
    2. If the project involves with human subject research, IRB review shall be submitted after receiving the grant. The same requirement also applies to those projects which involve with animal experiment, genetic recombination experiment, and infectious biological materials.
  5. For further inquiries, please contact Ms. Wei (chenyin027@gapp.nthu.edu.tw).